Posted on Updated by amitdigital
It is important for us, to create the web pages that search engines will love, Index our page, cache our pages and ranked them in search results, our target keywords ranking is most important for us. Creating a useful website is important, if your aim is to sell product online, If site is more useful for the visitors, the more successful is likely to be.
Take an example of Amazon, It is the first online retailer of books and music, But it’s real strength does not just sell products, It is really a useful website in many ways

Key Factors:-
- It provides tons of information about the products even you don’t buy from Amazon
- You can save information for future also, Sometimes you find some interested book but you can’t afford to buy right now or something else then you can save the link for the future.
- Most of the products owners also promote their products on Amazon
- You can read the reviews of professionals and consumers about the products.
Do you think? Amazon is so successful if it just provided list of products to sells rather than offering useful stuff to visitors? Absolutely Not.
If you have a website, with useful content, then a great chance to success for you. The more people visit to your site, more people talk about your website. More people write about your website. Either it is offline or online, Both are important factor to promote the website.
I will discuss How to create a successful website. I have mentioned some significant section for the websites
- Content
- Use Graphics with text
- Mobile Friendly Websites
- Website Navigation
- Light Weight
- creative web design
- Call to action
We have been listening for few years, Content is King and it is absolutely correct, content plays a significant role to create a successful website If you have unique and quality content, then it is definitely king, But if you are using copy content and not have good quality then it can be a adversary for your website.
Search engines mostly find quality content websites, Most of the Brands focus on content for Brand Awareness, Improve search engine ranking, Website Traffic, More Business and many more.
Quality Content
It is not only just copy the content and paste to the website, The content should be placed in perfect format like Highlight the heading in the content, Bullet Points, Highlight special content, Proper Spacing in paragraph. Use all the basics tags of HTML to make the perfect visibility of Content. A quality Content always impetus to customers to spend time on your website.
Use H1- H6 Tags for Headings

Use Tags for bullet points
Bold the Content wherever its required
Use smooth colors
Avoid iframes in content
Avoid Heavy Multimedia Like Flash
Use Graphics with text
As we know users demand always changed time to time, The new users is already smart, He visited most of the websites so we can’t limit the website only with content, we need some attractive graphics also, because graphics make our content more attractive and catchy.
Please use optimized images for your website, the image should be light weight with clear graphics. We are already using jpg, gif, png images for the websites, Jpg prefer most of time for WebPages but now we have new extension for images which will make your website faster and more light.
Modern Images

WebP is a modern image format that contribute superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, we can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster.

These images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM quality index.
Lossless WebP supports transparency at a cost of just 22% additional bytes. For cases when lossy RGB compression is acceptable, lossy WebP also supports transparency, typically providing 3× smaller file sizes compared to PNG.
Mobile Friendly Websites
The world has been changed, Nobody can carry always laptop and we can’t also access the desktop ever, but we have mobiles and laptops all the time. Most of the time we spend on mobile phone either watching movies or information, News and many things. Because Small devices are the demand of current era.
Mobile device has changed the world completely. If you have a Smartphone then you can do utmost activity from your device. If you don’t have mobile friendly websites, but you should have. If you don’t know your website is mobile friendly or not. Check your website at this link – Mobile Friendly Test

Responsive Websites
If you find your website is not mobile friendly, then please recreate your website or modify the codes to make it mobile friendly. Responsive websites demands have been increasing for few years, now it’s time for mobile friendly websites.
As per the recent survey we noticed most of the inquiries are generating from mobile platform and tablets also. If you want to create a Successful website then go for Mobile Friendly websites
When we run Google Ads, I have checked Google ads analytics and noticed most of the clicks come from mobile device most of times. This is a good sign for all, to increase website traffic and sales also. So, go for mobile friendly websites.
Website Navigation
Navbar also plays significant role to improve the user experience at your website. Always try to keep the navigation at header of website. Don’t try to keep simple menu, Make your menu more descriptive like this:-

Suppose your website comes in search result, and someone search any information to your website or blog, if he found something interesting at your site and wants to explore more but he don’t find proper navigation and couldn’t reach to contact page, but due to the lack of navigation panel. That’s why he leaves your website instantly.
As per my suggestion we should have proper navigation and also use Breadcrumbs at your website. It is a mini navigation or secondary navigation which tells the current location of the website. With the help Breadcrumbs we can back one step or directly reach to homepage.

Most of time Breadcrumbs find in Ecommerce website, Software’s and large website which has large number of pages. But A website which have multiple categories, sub categories, Multiple pages, they should also go for secondary navigation. Navigation is imperative section of web page, It helps to navigate from one page to another.
Light Weight
we live in the 4G world then our website should be fast and light weight, to keep the users engage with your app or website, It should be light weight and load pages in minimum time. As per the survey a user leave the website within 3 to 5 seconds, if didn’t find interesting information.

Light web pages load faster in browsers; make sure website page loads within 3 seconds to 5 seconds, a user wait for maximum 5 second for your website.
If your website is taking more than 7 to 8 seconds, means you are losing the valuable clients, losing the business every hour. So don’t wait check your website speed at thinkwithgoogle and find the valuable information whatever you need to improve in your website.
Creative a web design
Design of a website is also the important point to discuss, whenever customer engage first time with your website homepage, the design of your FrontPage will also decide how much time customer will engage and interact with other pages.
We have also heard, first impression is the last impression, So bad website design always increase the bounce rate. I am not only talking about graphics segment. We have to check complete webpage, like Logo, Menu, Content, Graphics, Headings, Footer, Contact Info and all sections to create a successful websites

Increase User Engagement
Whenever user comes to a website, within that time he cannot judge the content is good or not, your services are appropriate or not. But within the time he will interact with your homepage, which will aware the interest of the users to spend more time on the website and check out the services, products and more about your company. Here are few important tips which helps in good website design:-
- Font Family – Use simple and attractive font, which would be readable for everyone.
- Font Size – Use Responsive font Size, which works on every device. The font size should not be big nor small.
- Website Color Theme – Color Theme is most important, You should explore about UI before choose the colors, Use Smooth colors which make your interface more attractive and good.
- Layout – Simple layout helps users to easily navigate from one section to another.
- Website Heading – Display headings in proper format
- Presentable – Try to represent all the things in proper manner.
At last, we can say website should be very attractive, neat and clean, like impressive images, readable text format, text alignment etc. Creative design always impetus the customers to visit your website again and again. Put also special offers tab at your website and update it timely for attract customers.
Call to action
As we have managed all the things, whatever required for the website. Now most important thing is Inquiry or customer interaction. Most of the visitors are coming to our website but nobody is filling the contact us form, then what will we do?

We have few more options like click to call, if someone click on that then the call automatically connect to our agent who will assist the customers and discuss about his requirement. It is a decent choice to find interested clients, the option should be available on every page. So customer can easily connect with your team from any page.
We have one more option that will help you to create a successful website like Online Chat, it is a good option, most of time customer does not want to call, does not want to fill up contact form, Just want to know something about your product
What’s Next
Then our online chat agents can solve their query, If he got the answer of their questions, then our executive can also ask them the details to him like email, contact, Name. Which will help our sales team to convert the lead into sales. We can also say easiest way to generate genuine leads.With the immense demand of Digital Marketing, we have mentioned few tips to improve website ranking in search engines. I am Sure, These are definitely help you to create a successful website for visitors.